In my final column of my presidential year, I’d like to update you on the status of my three initiatives, give an overview of the many accomplishments of the Division, and reflect on my experiences in D29 leadership with an eye to the future. My first and primary presidential initiative was to ask the divisional […]

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The APA President has the authority to bestow eight citations from the 150,000 membership of APA during her or his presidential year. These citations are given to members who have made outstanding and distinguished contributions to the field. This year, President Melba Vasquez cited both of our APA Council Representatives, John C. Norcross and Linda […]

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I begin this column in the wake of the ever-exciting and everexhausting APA Convention. Many of you joined us in DC for the Convention. Not even the humidity could dampen the experience … the joy of greeting old friends, the wonder of meeting new colleagues, the thoughtful challenges to our intellects from creative and cutting-edge […]

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Preamble Division 29 (Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy) of the American Psychological Association has embarked on establishing practice recommendations for telepsychotherapy. This document was developed by a taskforce of Division 29 board members with the hope of providing a set of recommendations for psychologists providing therapeutic services using electronic media. Scope According to the […]

What I Said Last Column: “ … [O]ur divisional slogan is “Be Connected” … We are, and I encourage us to connect in wider, deeper and more meaningful ways during the rest of the year.” “…[W]e have a team of highly energetic passionate people who love psychotherapy who work diligently for our Division.  But more […]

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“… when all four levels of the systems contextual framework were accounted for, and when training involved active learning (e.g., practice in delivery of interventions, feedback, coaching), therapist adherence to EBP was improved and client change occurred.”

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It is an honor to begin my year as President of Division 29 and to write my first presidential column. The Division of Psychotherapy is an exciting, ground-breaking, and forward-thinking organization where those who have a passion for psychotherapy (practice, research, training, advocacy) can gather, exchange ideas, collect and disseminate cutting-edge research, and connect with […]

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