2018 • June

Jun 17, 2018

This past December, Dr. Jeffrey Barnett stepped down from his leadership role as Publications Chair of the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy. Dr. Barnett has been instrumental in the mentorship, guidance, and friendship he has bestowed to me. In reflecting over the past four years of knowing and working with him, I found myself […]

Dear Members, I hope this message finds you well. Please join me in congratulating the winners of this year’s election for positions in our Society’s governance: President-Elect: Jennifer Callahan, PhD Treasurer: Jesse J. Owen, PhD Domain Representative for Diversity: Manijeh Badiee, PhD Domain Representative for Education and Training: Marilyn A. Cornish, PhD Domain Representative for Membership: Jean M. Birbilis, PhD […]

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Abstract The use of outcome monitoring systems to identify clients that are at-risk for treatment failure has now become part of daily clinical practice, shown in 25 empirical studies to improve client outcomes. These promising findings have led to outcome monitoring systems being recognized as evidence-based. Feedback systems based on client perception of therapeutic processes […]

Jun 3, 2018

There are three basic cognitive distortions related to the notion of “living in the moment” or “being present-centered” that surface as a result of the popular culture embracing the value of mindfulness (Hendlin, 2017). I want to briefly describe them, indicating what makes them distortions, or misunderstandings, of the most dynamic and meaningful form of […]