Author Bio

Ken Critchfield received his doctoral degree (Ph.D., 2002) in Clinical Psychology from the University of Utah where he used interpersonal models to study psychotherapy processes and case formulation. From 2004-2014, Dr. Critchfield was director of research, and eventually become co-director of the Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy (IRT) clinic at the University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute. There, he worked closely with Dr. Lorna Smith Benjamin, creator of IRT, to operationalize and test efficacy and process of change of IRT as applied with adults having severe and chronic psychiatric problems often involving comorbid personality disorder and suicidality. He joined the faculty of the Department of Graduate Psychology at James Madison University in August, 2014 and continues to work in close collaboration with Dr. Benjamin. He is a licensed clinical psychologist and now co-directs JMU’s Combined-Integrated Doctoral Program in Clinical and School Psychology.

Articles by Kenneth L. Critchfield, Ph.D.