Members • Fellows • Become A Fellow

Call for Fellow Applications


The Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
James Lichtenberg:
Chair, Fellows Committee

The Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy encourages Society Members who wish to become Fellows of the American Psychological Association to apply for APA Fellow status through our Society. The application period extends from September 1 to December 15 each year. The Society wishes to honor our members who have distinguished themselves by exceptional and impactful contributions to psychotherapy in a variety of ways such as through research, practice, and teaching. Fellow status in APA is awarded to psychologists in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of psychology.

Fellowship Criteria for The Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy

Fellow status in APA is awarded to members in recognition of significant, outstanding, and impactful contributions to the profession of psychology. The Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy is eager to honor those members of our Society who have distinguished themselves by exceptional contributions to psychotherapy in a variety of ways to include researcher, psychotherapist, teacher/trainer, scholar, theorist, etc.


  1. The receipt of a doctoral degree based in part upon a psychological dissertation, or from a program primarily psychological in nature;
  2. Prior membership as an APA Member for at least one year and a Member of the Society through which the nomination is made;
  3. Active engagement at the time of nomination in the advancement of psychology in any of its aspects;
  4. Five years of acceptable professional experience subsequent to the granting of the doctoral degree;
  5. Evidence of unusual and outstanding contribution or performance in the field of psychology; and
  6. Evidence of (inter)national impact of the field or profession of psychology beyond a local, state, or regional level.
  7. Nomination by one of the society or divisions which member status is held.

Application for APA Fellow status is made through the society or division.

The Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy criteria for election to the category of Fellow are:

  1. Prior status of Member of the Society for at least one year.
  2. Five years of qualifying experience in the field of psychotherapy.
  3. Demonstration of evidence of unusual and outstanding contribution or performance in the field of psychotherapy.
  4. Documentation of the ways in which the Member’s activities, contributions, and/or performance have had a discernable and salutary effect on the development or advancement of the discipline of psychotherapy.
  5. Endorsement by at least three current APA Fellows, at least one endorser must be a Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (endorsements are made via the APA Fellowship portal).
  6. Nomination to the category of Fellow by the Society’s Committee on Fellows, such nomination to be conducted in accordance with extant Bylaws and Association Rules of the American Psychological Association.

Contributions may be through any of the following individually or in combination:

  1. Excellence in Practice of Those who have demonstrated excellence in the practice of psychotherapy which is evident by national standing. This can include innovative models or programs of practice, applications of scholarship to programs of practice, publications that impact practice, training, etc.
  2. Teacher/Trainer/Mentor. Those who have demonstrated excellence and a national reputation as a teacher, trainer, or mentor of psychotherapists, to include the development of innovative models with a wide ranging
  3. Scientific Documented research in the area of psychotherapy or related areas that impact the practice of psychotherapy such as neuroscience, psychotherapy process, outcome, training, etc.
  4. Theoretical and Treatment Those who have contributed to the field with the development of theory, methods, and techniques of psychotherapy.
  5. Leadership, Advocacy, Scholarly Application. Those who have demonstrated leadership in the advancement of the art, science, and policy of psychotherapy or innovative programs of training, practice or

Evidence Related to Criteria Used by Nomination Committee

The following are offered as examples of the range of activities that may be considered when being nominated for Fellow but are in no way to be considered exhaustive:

  1. Published scholarly articles in professional journals that are considered important in the field
  2. Author of books and texts in the field of psychotherapy or related areas in that have important impact on the field of psychotherapy.
  3. Demonstrated a high degree of involvement in the advancement of psychotherapy at the national level.
  4. Developed a theory of psychotherapy that is widely considered important to the field.
  5. Developed approaches to psychotherapy that are widely considered important to the field.
  6. Produced innovations in the practice of psychotherapy such as models of practice that address novel problems or the needs of special populations in the delivery of mental health services.
  7. Administered a novel or excellent program for training psychologists in psychotherapy or related areas.
  8. Demonstrated evidence of service that is
  9. Demonstrated evidence of scholarly work that advances the field such as editor of an influential journal or special editions.
  10. Made contributions that advance the status of psychotherapy as a healing art and science.
  11. Exhibited excellence in serving as a mentor in the
  12. Demonstrate a program of research that advances the

Fellowship Application Process


New applications for APA Fellow status are made through the APA Fellows application portal. This webpage has links to concise and very helpful guidance for applicants. Most helpful, valuable, and relevant is the APA Fellows Committee’s guidance for preparing and reviewing applications, available at:

The online application requests a CV and an application letter that addresses how your accomplishments link to the APA and SfAP fellow criteria listed above. It also requests the names and contact information for three endorsers who are current APA Fellows, at least one of whom is a SfAP Fellows. You should contact these endorsers to assure that they are prepared to endorse you! They are contacted directly by the APA Fellows office, and complete their endorsements through the same portal.

Applications are first reviewed by the SfAP Fellows committee, then by the SfAP Executive Committee, then by the APA Fellows Committee, and finally by the APA Board of Directors.


Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (Division 29 of APA) members who have already attained Fellow status through another APA Society or Division may pursue a direct application for Society Fellow by sending a curriculum vitae and a letter to the Society Fellows Committee, indicating specifically how you meet the Society criteria for Fellowship. These applications are not reviewed by the APA Fellows Committee; they are reviewed by the SfAP Fellows Committee and recommendations are made to the SfAP Board of Directors.

Current Fellows of APA who wish to become a Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy apply by sending a letter documenting their qualifications with a current CV to the Society’s Central Office at