Articles Tagged "mentoring"

Mar 26, 2020

This manuscript provides six suggestions to support finding and developing mentorship relationships in the area of psychotherapy research. Suggestions are provided for both the mentee-to-be as well as the mentor towards the mutual goal of building a supportive, collaborative, and productive mentorship relationship.

Nov 16, 2019

Developing one’s identity and skills as a teacher and mentor is a highly rewarding, but also challenging, task. One of the challenges comes from the fact that we as graduate students have multiple responsibilities and commitments and often struggle to find time and energy to actively pursue teaching/mentoring on top of research, clinical work, and […]

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May 4, 2018

This year’s Bulletin theme focuses on the notion of turning points in psychotherapy training, research, and practice. Turning points can be considered an alteration in direction or course, a response to a need for advancement or change. Such turning points are not only present and significant in the field at large, but also exist within […]