Articles Tagged "politics"

These were the contradictory messages I received about one of the most anxiety-provoking tasks of the budding new therapist and entrepreneur–setting your fees. The first time we set our fee often reflects how we feel about the act of charging for psychotherapy, not how your clinic, your hospital, or your supervisor are paid. But how […]

The day after the 2016 election dawned cloudy and rainy in Washington, DC. As I awoke from a few hours of fitful sleep to drive to work, I felt shocked, disoriented, and confused. The long election season had intensified political divisions, information silos, alternate worldviews, extreme partisan attacks, and disrespect and disgust for the other […]

If, indeed, the personal is political and the political is personal, where does that leave psychotherapists—whose profession is intensely personal—when clients voice strong political views counter to ours or when their political stress resonates with our own sense of a rending of the civic and cultural fabric of the country? In the aftermath of one […]

Over the past several months I have started many times to write articles for the Bulletin, and each time my thoughts have been hijacked by yet another massive assault on the collective values of our profession. The preamble to the APA Ethics Code (2010, with amendments as of January 1, 2017) makes it clear that […]

Be the 1st to vote.

Dec 31, 2016

On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States due to his overwhelming Electoral College victory over Hilary Clinton in November 2016. Throughout this long and seemingly never-ending election cycle, the ferocity of the primary battles and the eventual bedlam between the two major party candidates left […]