Articles Tagged "resistance"

Resistance is a phenomenon that tends to be universally dreaded by therapists. Therapists have described feeling frustrated, confused, guilty, and hurt after disagreement with their clients, and can even end up doubting their competence (Coutinho et al., 2011). Not only this, but it is well-documented that conflict will return if it is not effectively addressed […]

There is mounting evidence that individual psychotherapists have a notable impact on patient outcomes (whether measured globally or as specific outcome domains), accounting for about 3-7% of such variance across controlled trials and naturalistic settings (Baldwin & Imel, 2013). Moreover, most therapists possess relative strengths and weaknesses within their caseloads in terms of their domain-specific […]

Sigmund Freud originally described psychological resistance as a phenomenon wherein patients unconsciously “cling to their disease” through “tenacious” and “critical objections” in order to repress distressing thoughts, emotions and experiences as they are raised by the therapist (Freud, 1904; 1920; 1940). This understanding—a somewhat patronizing view that pitted expert doctor against oblivious patient—persisted in the […]

Psychological resistance refers to patients’ conscious or unconscious opposition to aspects of the therapy process. When not skillfully addressed, resistance can lead to therapeutic alliance ruptures, “deteriorations in the relationship [indicated by] patient behaviors or communications that are interpersonal markers indicating critical points in therapy for exploration” (Safran & Muran, 1996, p. 447). While ruptures […]

Sep 22, 2016

If you are a psychotherapist of a certain age you no doubt remember the 1982 New York Times Magazine article on Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (STDP; Davanloo, 1980) by journalist Dava Sobel. In contrasting STDP (“the most aggressive form of psychic medicine to rest on the principles of Sigmund Freud”) to traditional psychoanalytic psychotherapy, Sobel noted, […]

May 4, 2015

Watch the Recording Here Psychodynamic Case Consultation with Jon Frederickson, MSW from Internet Editor on Vimeo. Information about the Webinar In the case consultation, we will discuss problem cases where therapists are feeling stuck in the work. We will work together to find out which patient behaviors are blocking therapeutic progress and then suggest strategies […]

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