Articles Tagged "therapist development"

Oct 27, 2023

In this time of crisis where people feel isolated in an interconnected world, the mind is brushing from an “electrified tightrope” to take Eigen’s word (Eigen, 2004). Mind in the line of fire reflects the breaking of links. In “attacks on linking” lies the pathology of limiting relationships between two objects (Bion, 1959, p. 308). […]

原文链接:   亲爱的督导师,还记得你开始做咨询的青涩模样吗? 我这么说对吗? 我是不是很差劲啊? 我能成为一名胜任的咨询师吗? …… 如果那时候你的督导师告诉你,这些感受都是正常的,告诉你成为有效能咨询师需要经历的过程包括种种种种,你会有什么感觉呢? 现在作为督导师,你有没有想过可以做点什么,让你的受督导者更安心地成长,不必重蹈覆辙? 我们来看看C. Edward Watkins博士是怎么做的。   新手治疗师需要安全的学习空间 在我的督导工作中,大部分受督导者是刚刚担任治疗师的博士生。他们要么没有咨询经验,要么经验十分有限。就像Chessick (1971)指出的,刚刚从教室走向临床实践的治疗师通常会面临三个问题: 1 学习在治疗早期过程中控制焦虑感; 2 发展作为治疗师的认同感; 3 形成一种信念,相信心理治疗是可行且有效的治疗手段。 刚开始的这段训练期的学生通常能最敏锐地发现自己实践上的缺陷,非常容易受挫,因此这段时期可能会很艰难。此时的关键在于创造一个安全的学习空间,让新手治疗师能够自如地去应对困难,而不会因为犯错受到惩罚。 安全的学习空间的理论基础 如何创造这个空间呢?我的基本思路主要来自治疗师发展理论及其相关研究,还有成人学习理论及其应用。基于这个认识,在开始新督导前我思考的首要问题是: 当下如何创造一个安全的学习空间,才最能满足特定受督导者的学习需要? 在创造学习空间时,我坚信最好的出发点是对受督导者进行全面的教育性指导(如督导目标,督导师和受督导者的角色)。许多国家都将教育性地指导受督导者视为重要的督导胜任力之一(例 Pilling & Roth, 2014),因为它使督导过程变得清晰明了,促进了概念化理解,并且还会促进督导双方的协作。通常,受督导者充分了解时状态最好,因此我希望接受我督导的学生尽可能从一开始就完全了解督导过程(例如通过建立督导协议、讨论、角色介绍等方式),希望他们能更加有效地利用督导,在这个过程中更积极主动。 安全的学习空间的前提–教育取向的督导 教育取向的督导中有一个非常值得强调的重要方面——概念化。这里概念化的意思是:受督导者理解自己作为治疗师成长历程的框架。作为督导师,我首先想给受督导者提供一个发展性的概念化框架。我相信在教育性督导中这一点很容易被忽略或轻视。这一步能够极有力地促进督导的开始,同时增强受督导者的学习能力——相信他们在自身成长过程中,能更好地理解遇到的异常和变化,并且在当下更有效地反应。 Orlinsky和Ronnestad(2005), Ronnestad和Skovholt(2013), Skovholt(2012), Stoltenberg和McNeill(2010)的研究都够告诉我们,在督导中要重视以下事项: 1、用发展的眼光看问题; 2、在督导中整合发展的眼光; 3、提供一个发展性的基本原则和框架来定位治疗师/受督导者的成长过程。 他们的工作一方面研究了治疗师在发展职业自我或治疗师身份时所经历的演变过程,另一方面鉴别或提示了能够刺激治疗师发展的督导行为。Hess等人(2008)认为:“如果督导是教育性的,那么就非常有必要发展一个督导的教育过程模型”。他们发现,关键部分是帮助受督导者更好地理解自己当下的治疗师成长过程。 从成人学习理论的视角来看(Knowles et al., 2011),对督导过程的教育能够解答受督导者学习中体验到的困惑,并增加他们对过程的掌控感;同时,对过程准备的教育能减轻受督导者的焦虑并让他们提前做好准备,帮助受督导者未雨绸缪(Skovholt & Ronnestad, 2003),对于如何在督导中进行阐述与协作成竹在胸。 Frank和Frank(1991)的助人和疗愈关系的概念框架也可以被推广用于督导之中。在这个模型中,那些寻求心理治疗帮助的人正处于心力委顿、心烦意乱的抗争阶段,通常可以从这三个方面获益:1.与一个受到认可的助人者,在一个精心设计的助人设置中,进入一段充满信任的关系;2.得到一个能够帮助他们理解自身困扰的适应性解释/概念图式,并看到解决方法;3.与助人者积极合作,展开一套基于概念化的行动(Budge & Wampold, 2015; Wampold & Budge, […]

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Aug 27, 2020

Early 2020 has brought with it a number of unprecedented challenges. These challenges include navigating the coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) pandemic and combating police brutality and racism more broadly while in the midst of that pandemic. For some, experiencing or witnessing actual or threatened harm from COVID-19 may be traumatic (Horesh & Brown, 2020). Further, the deaths […]

Recently we have heard a lot about the importance of therapist self-care. Jeffrey Barnett (2014) made a strong case that self-care is an ethical imperative based on the APA Ethics Code   principles of beneficence and maleficence, as well as the guidelines related to competence, managing personal problems and conflicts, and avoiding harm. Self-care has […]

Sep 2, 2019

In my last article I listed four retirement myths: It is easy to retire from an active professional life to a less active lifestyle;  Retired people do not want to work;  Retired people do not want to be paid; and  Retired people have unlimited free time (Barrett, 2018). In that article I admitted to having […]

Competency in psychotherapy appears to generally follow a fairly prototypical growth curve (Callahan & Watkins, 2018). Via life experience or other learning, some incremental gains in basic competencies (e.g., caring for others) begin even before formal training (Hatcher and Lassiter, 2007). Empirical evidence suggests that formal training encapsulates a period of accelerated growth in a […]

Apr 15, 2019

Introduction To be in supervision for beginner therapists is a nerve-racking experience, which has the capacity to change the life of the trainee. Hyde (2015) describes beginner therapists as intelligent, gifted, and successful individuals who in supervision face scrutiny, which threatens their self-esteem and stirs up anxieties and defenses. She says, “In supervision, we feel […]

The breakneck speed of working on an inpatient behavioral medicine team of an urban tertiary hospital is quite often both exhilarating and exhausting for clinical psychology doctoral students. There is an idiosyncratic rhythm to the workload, as new consults roll in or patients the service follows are readmitted to the hospital. The expectation for trainees […]

Jun 17, 2018

This past December, Dr. Jeffrey Barnett stepped down from his leadership role as Publications Chair of the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy. Dr. Barnett has been instrumental in the mentorship, guidance, and friendship he has bestowed to me. In reflecting over the past four years of knowing and working with him, I found myself […]

My Confusion About and Interest in Therapist Self-Disclosure (TSD) As I begin to establish my private practice, I have been reflecting on the evolution of my thoughts about and use of therapist self-disclosure (TSD), which I am using here to mean “therapist statements that reveal something personal about the therapist” (Hill & Knox, 2002, p. […]