Articles Tagged "trust"

Oct 8, 2023

When I wrote about extra-relationship affairs years ago, I didn’t have a lot of experience treating couples who were struggling with an affair. The written work was more journalistic than clinical, but it made quite a splash in the media as sex frequently does, especially if it touches a nerve, as infidelity is bound to […]

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Introduction In today’s rapidly changing social environment, people face the challenge of determining whom they can safely trust and who will lead them astray. Dealing with this challenge is crucial not only for individuals’ survival but also for their adaptation to social norms, habits, and the unstated rules of culture. However, people do not navigate […]

Oct 17, 2016

My first session with a real, live psychotherapy patient[1] was at a university counseling center in New England. I was in my second year of graduate school. My only previous experience that even resembled doing therapy was limited to interviewing my classmates as pretend patients. In those role-plays, everyone was agreeable and talkative. They gave […]

Over the past decades, meta-analyses have found almost no clinically meaningful differences in efficacy between the various evidence-based psychotherapies. This has led to the formulation of the so-called “Dodo bird verdict”, based on the Alice in Wonderland story, which argues that “all [psychotherapies] have won and all must have prizes”. Consequently, major figures in the […]