Search Results for "attachment theory" (Page 2)

…lack of social resources. The traumatic loss of a pet results in a broken attachment. Humans exhibit attachment behaviors in order to “initiate and maintain proximity to affectional figures for protection and survival,” (Sable, 2013, p. 95). Dogs also exhibit… Search hits: 11 in body, 3 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 3741.41

…empathy, understanding, and skill. But Holmes also acknowledges important theoretical, literary, and philosophical commitments—principally to attachment theory (he has written several earlier books on the subject), which, I will suggest, despite occasional gestures toward the very different theoretical models of… Search hits: 11 in body, 3 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 3741.41

May 28, 2023

…2011). The view of suicide has differed across societies (Yoo, 2011). However, Èmilie Durkheim remains the most significant contributor to suicidology across the globe (Joiner, 2005). Durkheim’s theory posits that the rates of suicide occur despite having the positive interactions… Search hits: 12 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 3507.57

Nov 17, 2016

…why sometimes, it might not be enough. Interdependence Theory Interdependence theory (Kelley & Thibaut, 1959) began as a theoretical conceptualization of social interaction. The theory aims to explain how the costs and rewards of an interpersonal relationship interact with the… Search hits: 11 in body, 1 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 3390.65

Theory in Counseling and Psychotherapy Meifen Wei, Ph.D. Attachment theory focuses on understanding our model of self and others. Utilized in psychotherapy, attachment theory can be used to explicate how past experiences and interactions with caregivers have contributed to an… Search hits: 11 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 3215.27

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…itself. The study presented here assesses the validity of this perspective by examining the relationship of abuse characteristics, demographic variables, family environment, and attachment style with ego level. Component presentations will discuss the theory of ego development and its intersection… Search hits: 10 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 2922.97

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Childhood sexual abuse survivors frequently present with ruptures in attachment, myriad mental health stressors, as well as histories of subsequent victimization in adulthood (e.g., Marx, Heidt, & Gold, 2005). The Contextual Model of trauma posits that survivors of CSA largely… Search hits: 8 in body, 3 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 2864.51

Aug 6, 2017

…trade school; and four parents did not complete high school. This study utilized Grounded Theory (Corbin & Strauss, 2015; Glaser & Strauss, 1967) and the Cultural Mismatch Theory (Stephens et al., 2012) for analysis. Results Three conceptual themes emerged. Different… Search hits: 9 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 2630.68

…2017). Humans easily anthropomorphize devices. Simeon quickly felt a sense of alliance and attachment to Indigo . Whether we explain it through attachment theory or classical conditioning, alliance and attachment are natural byproducts of repeated positive interactions. In 2068, relational… Search hits: 8 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 2338.38

…trainees’ awareness of the blind spots and emotional vulnerabilities that contribute to alliance ruptures. Rupture Repair Theory Safran and Muran’s (2000) seminal research on the therapeutic alliance focuses on rupture and repair processes. The authors cite interpersonal theory and the… Search hits: 8 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 2338.38