Psychotherapy Bulletin

Psychotherapy Bulletin

2019 Editors’ Column 54(4)

Goodbye, as they say, is the price we pay for hello, and it is with profound thankfulness and affection that I write this, my final column as Editor for Psychotherapy Bulletin. I have been tremendously fortunate to have worked with such an amazing and supportive group of folks over the past nine years, including Dr. Lavita Nadkarni (who served as Editor during my tenure as Associate Editor), two terrific Publications and Communications Board Chairs, Drs. Jeff Barnett and Laurie Heatherington, and a true embarrassment of riches in terms of Domain Representatives, Contributing Editors, members of SAP governance, Editorial staff, and authors. I owe a debt of gratitude to Tracey Martin for her tireless efforts on behalf of SAP, and for her patience with me personally. Day in and day out, for as long as I have known her, she has worked to make us collectively and individually better. I appreciate all she has done and continues to do on behalf of SAP and for Psychotherapy Bulletin in particular. Similarly, I would like to say “thank you” to outgoing Internet Editor Dr. Amy Ellis. Your unfailing professionalism and grace make you a joy to work with, and I am so grateful that our paths crossed in this way.

Along with an assortment of features, announcements, and updates, this issue brings our final pieces on Self-Care Across the Lifespan, the Psychotherapy Bulletin Special Focus for 2019. In this issue, Drs. Barbara Thompson and Barbara Vivino focus on independent practice, while Dr. Apryl Alexander explores the ethics of self-care, and doctoral students Carly Schwartzman, current SAP Student Representative, and Heather Muir reflect on mandated psychotherapy during training. Early Career professionals, trainees, and readers in general will appreciate Dr. Simon Goldberg’s thoughts on finding and providing mentorship in research, and make sure to take a look at Drs. Eric Sauer, Jon Hook, Char Houben, and Kristin Roberts’ discussion of psychotherapy process and outcome effects of therapist attachment-related behaviors.

As the year draws to a close and a new one begins, I would like to welcome those taking on new roles, and acknowledge those whose work will continue. We are delighted that Kourtney Schroeder, MS, will serve as incoming Internet Editor—thank you for your hard work and the smile you always put on my face. In addition, it is my great pleasure to welcome Dr. Joanna Drinane into the role of Psychotherapy Bulletin Editor, and to wish her the very best in this new adventure. And, although we bid a fond farewell to longtime Editorial Assistant Cory Marchi, MA, Dr. Drinane will benefit from the ongoing efforts of both Editorial Assistant Salwa Chowdhury, PsyD, and Dr. Cara Jacobson, Associate Editor extraordinaire. Cara, your keen eye, attention to detail, and “can do” attitude have made it such a pleasure to work with you over these past few years. I wish you well as you continue in this role, and beyond. Please take a moment to get to know (or become reacquainted with) Kourtney and Joanna through their quick introductions in this issue.

Finally, thank you, our readers. There is no SAP without membership! Please join (A)SAP if you have not already done so (pardon the pun)—and if you are a member, consider becoming involved in any of the many exciting opportunities SAP has to offer. You are welcome to submit a contribution to Psychotherapy Bulletin at any time, and you can find all of the publication guidelines and a submission link on our website ( The deadlines for 2020 are February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1, and Dr. Drinane can be reached at

Thank you.

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Henderson Metzger, L., & Jacobson, C. (2019). 2019 editors’ column 54(4). Psychotherapy Bulletin, 54(4), 4-5.



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