Psychotherapy Bulletin

Psychotherapy Bulletin

2021 Editor’s Column 56(2)

Hello Division 29 and SAP Membership! In addition to the warm weather and the blooming flowers, spring has been accompanied by the slow reopening of many spaces and places that we hold dear. Our professional lives too will begin to feel more engaging as we get opportunities to convene in person for conferences, meetings, and social events. As we patiently await these chances to connect personally and intellectually, we hope that The Psychotherapy Bulletin will continue to serve as a mechanism for you to keep current with the happenings of the Division and to disseminate your work and ideas.

With the time that remains in 2021, it is our intention as an editorial team to reflect upon and integrate the sentiment expressed above in the quote from Ed Yong. Many people are celebrating the experience of returning to “normal” (e.g., seeing clients in an office and teaching students in a classroom), but it is essential that we as a Division remain oriented to the ways that our definition of normal has contributed to vast, systemic inequities in the care and education we provide. With this in mind, we implore you to write pieces tackling the special focus for the year: “Social Justice in Psychotherapy: Bringing Advocacy and Interdisciplinary Perspectives to the Forefront.” How can we cultivate a new normal that centers the voices of marginalized individuals and groups? What steps can we take to diversify the membership of our Division and increase representation in our professional community? It is through action, advocacy, and scholarly work that we can use this important juncture in history to change the trajectory of the future.

Thank you to all who make The Psychotherapy Bulletin a success (readers, authors, Division members, and more!). To write for the Bulletin, please visit our website ( Our remaining schedule of deadlines for 2021 will be July 15th, and October 15th. As a logistical note, after discussion with the Publications Board, it was decided that Bulletin will no longer accept book reviews. Accordingly, this will be the last issue to contain one. If you have questions about this policy change or anything else, please reach out to We look ahead to a productive summer and fall with many innovative viewpoints communicated!

Thank you,


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Drinane, J. M. (2021). 2021 editor’s column 56(2). Psychotherapy Bulletin, 56(2), 5.



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