Psychotherapy Bulletin

Psychotherapy Bulletin

2022 Editor’s Column 57(2)

Greetings Division 29 and SAP Membership! Happy summer! 

We start this issue with an intention for the remainder of 2022 that comes from a quote by Benjamin Franklin: “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” As the pandemic persists and we experience the continued fatigue and fear, we encourage you to remember the value of seeking purpose and meaning from your professional identities. Through writing, through action, and through service, you bring about change that enhances the lives and experiences of those around you. We hope that the Bulletin can be a space to showcase your work.

Since the start of 2022, we have sought to increase our number of submissions while seeking a range of author perspectives and identities. This issue represents one where the content is particularly engaging and thought provoking, and challenges us as practitioners, researchers, and instructors to think beyond our traditional ways of doing things. In addition to the presidential column by Dr. Clara Hill, we call your attention to an engaging submission led by doctoral students Wing Ng and Ava Anjom that is focused on the social justice issues associated with research compensation. This piece fits nicely with the special focus of the year, “Technology and Psychotherapy: Strategies for Increasing Access and Equity.” We welcome content related to this theme or to any curiosity regarding how we understand people and their mental health needs as they engage with psychotherapy as a mechanism of change.  

We extend our gratitude to the readers, authors, Division members, and our broader academic community who engage with the Psychotherapy Bulletin. Your dissemination of our articles makes for extremely interesting discourse, and more importantly, action. To write for the Bulletin, please visit our website ( Our schedule of deadlines for 2022 will be July 15th, and October 15th. Please reach out with questions to We seek to make the remaining two issues of 2022 as dynamic as possible. Wishing you well.



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Drinane, J. M. (2022). 2022 editor’s column 57(2). Psychotherapy Bulletin, 57(2), 5.



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