Articles Tagged "Tarasoff"

Abstract Confidentiality and duty to protect are complex issues for psychotherapists treating clients with HIV. The application of the Tarasoff ruling to situations involving HIV has long been debated with questions about how the Tarasoff principles of identifiability of the victim, foreseeability of harm, and necessary protective action apply to HIV within the context of […]

Maintaining the confidentiality of both the existence of and content shared within psychotherapy is one of the foundations of the psychotherapy relationship. In fact, this has been an essential feature of all health care relationships dating as far back as the Fifth Century B.C.E. as articulated in the Hippocratic Oath: Whatever I see or hear […]

Victoria Asks I’m wondering how you would proceed when it is the case of a married person who is positive from engaging in sex outside the marriage, and the spouse does not know that the person is HIV+? Jeffrey Barnett Responds Hi Victoria. Great question. These are such tough issues. The first point to consider […]

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Stephanie Chervenak Asks I am curious about ethical considerations when treating individuals who are HIV positive. What are my responsibilities as a clinician if I know that my client (HIV positive) is engaging in risky/unsafe sexual practices with someone? In this case, the other person’s life is endangered. This issue always stumps me, thank you […]