Articles Tagged "stress"

Abstract Researchers have increasingly called for the examination of both mental health symptoms and well-being when providing and evaluating psychotherapy, and although symptoms and well-being are typically inversely related, these appear to be distinct constructs that may require distinct intervention strategies. Positive psychology interventions, virtue-based treatments, and psychotherapies explicitly focused on promoting well-being have emerged in response to, or […]

Oct 30, 2019

In the hectic pace of being an early career psychologist (ECP) and junior faculty member, it is often more possible to extol the virtues of self-care rather than to authentically engage in it. In many cases, this challenge may partially stem from limited education and insufficient opportunity to develop effective self-care habits during doctoral training. […]

Psychology graduate students face many challenges, balancing academic demands, field placement requirements, often financial limitations, and the responsibilities of personal life. These competing obligations can often lead to burnout, defined by the Mayo Clinic as “a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity” […]

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Sep 2, 2019

The creation of art is known to offer a variety of benefits for physical and mental well-being, but in our rush to categorize production of art as “self-care,” we may be overlooking the most essential piece. This article explores the idea that dismissing the work of passion as one more task to check off a […]

Health care practitioners are at elevated risk for burnout, depression, and suicide (Fahrenkopf et al., 2008; Schernhammer & Colditz, 2004; West et al., 2006). Moreover, a practitioner’s occupational stress can contribute to impaired concentration and decision making and in turn have a negative impact on patient care (Barger et al., 2006; Fahrenkopf et al., 2008; […]

Dec 31, 2016

On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States due to his overwhelming Electoral College victory over Hilary Clinton in November 2016. Throughout this long and seemingly never-ending election cycle, the ferocity of the primary battles and the eventual bedlam between the two major party candidates left […]

Introduction No matter the perceived preparedness, there is no way to predict the transitional stress that ensues when beginning a postbaccalaureate education. As third-year graduate students in a doctoral level program, it was not long ago that we first encountered the multiple stressors of managing school responsibilities and financial obligations while ensuring time for social […]