Psychotherapy Bulletin

Psychotherapy Bulletin

2021 Editor’s Column 56(1)

Greetings Division 29 and SAP Membership! 2021 is well under way and along with the new year have come many changes in leadership, not only on the national level, but also within our accomplished Division. The Psychotherapy Bulletin team is excited for the creative ideas that will accompany these transitions, and we look forward to this publication as a venue for their presentation. Within our own small group, we have said goodbye and extended our gratitude to Salwa Chowdhurry, PsyD who concluded her term as an Editorial Assistant, and we have welcomed Sree Sinha, Doctoral Candidate in Counseling Psychology at the University of Denver, to this role. In addition, thank you to Stephanie Winkeljohn Black, Ph.D., Asscoiate Editor, and Kate Axford, M.S., Editorial Assistant, for their continued service to the Division in their editorial capacities. In collaboration with Tracey Martin and Kourtney Schroeder and with all your contributions, we seek to facilitate the production of Bulletin issues that move the discourse forward and engage our readership. We hope that you will choose the Psychotherapy Bulletin as an outlet for your work.

In 2021, it is our intention to produce a timely publication that consistently includes diverse perspectives and pieces from each of the Division’s domains. While this first issue may be a few days behind schedule, that is due to our desire to formally welcome our newly appointed Division 29 President, Dr. Clara Hill, Ph.D. To complement the many other wonderful articles and announcements that we have for you to view, this first edition of the year also includes an informative column from Dr. Hill, whose expertise on all things psychotherapy is unparalleled. In the midst of shifting from President-Elect to President, Dr. Hill prioritized her contribution, which highlights her profound commitment to Division 29 and to the Psychotherapy Bulletin. In this first issue, we also want to formally introduce the special focus for the year, “Social Justice in Psychotherapy: Bringing Advocacy and Interdisciplinary Perspectives to the Forefront.” Our editorial team is comprised largely of psychotherapy process and outcome researchers, and it is our intent to increase discussion of the role of advocacy and antiracism in our practice and in our scholarly work. We invite submissions that fit with this theme and also those that extend beyond it and represent your experiences and curiosities (applied or research focused).

Thank you to all who make the Psychotherapy Bulletin a success (readers, authors, Division members, and more!). To write for the Bulletin, please visit our website ( Our schedule of deadlines for 2021 will be April 15th, July 15th, and October 15th. Please reach out with questions to We look ahead to a productive year with many valuable viewpoints communicated!

Thank you,


Cite This Article

Drinane, J. M. (2021). 2021 editors column 56(1). Psychotherapy Bulletin, 56(1), 5-6.


1 Comment

  1. Emily Susan Clark

    What does the term Closed Counselor mean?


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