Search Results for "abandonment"

…Psychologists and Code of Conduct (APA Ethics Code, APA, 2010) provides clear guidance on our responsibilities to our clients regarding termination and abandonment. The enforceable Ethical Standards relevant to termination and abandonment are: Standard 10.10, Terminating Therapy, requires that the… Search hits: 9 in body, 1 in tags, 2 in comments. Score: 3273.76

…found in Barnett, MacGlashan, and Clarke (2000) and in Vasquez, Bingham, and Barnett (2009). 5. Be Clear on What Abandonment Is and Is Not (e.g., the Client’s Role in Treatment Discontinuation, the Psychotherapist’s Role) Abandonment occurs when the psychotherapist does… Search hits: 9 in body, 1 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 2806.08

…feelings of abandonment, grief, and loss when transferred (Clark, Cole, & Robertson, 2014); anger/rage towards the transferring and new therapists (Penn, 1990); and feelings of unworthiness (Penn, 1990). Despite the literature describing negative client experiences after being transferred, studies by… Search hits: 4 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 1169.2

…pet loss during Hurricane Katrine was forced abandonment. One study showed that forced abandonment of a pet during evacuation intensifies the existing trauma, which increases the risk of posttraumatic stress disorder (Hunt et al., 2008). Throughout the grief process, especially… Search hits: 4 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 1169.2

Nov 22, 2023

…the central nervous system – is marked by internal suffering rather than defined by the narrative of the event. Gabor Maté adds that trauma “is not the sexual abuse… not the war…not the abandonment…not the inability of your parents to… Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 584.6

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…2014). Differentiating CPTSD and BPD Diagnoses: Interpersonal Relationships Individuals with BPD often exhibit a disorganized attachment style that fluctuates between extreme idealization to devaluation of others, fear of rejection or abandonment, and the experience of relationships being rapid and intense… Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 584.6

Oct 15, 2008

…adult attachment anxiety and adult attachment avoidance. Adult attachment anxiety is conceptualized as the fear of interpersonal rejection and abandonment, excessive needs for approval from others, negative view of self, and hyper-activation of affect regulation strategies in which the person… Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 292.3

May 31, 2015

…engage in one of two “secondary strategies.” Persons who rely on a hyperactivating strategy magnify their expression of distress, closely monitor attachment figures for signs of abandonment, and attempt to establish very close proximity to a potential source of comfort…. Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 292.3

Oct 13, 2015

…vocabulary, a sharp wit, and a high status career. He is a survivor of severe physical and emotional abuse at the hands of a wildly unpredictable mother. His stories of beatings, neglect, and abandonment threats are brutal. He was a… Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 292.3

abandonment of racism and the formation of a more positive, non-racist White identity (Helms, 1990). Individuals use their current stage as a lens to interpret and react to race-related input (Helms, 1990). Additionally, colorblind racial attitudes are a related phenomenon… Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in tags, 0 in comments. Score: 292.3

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