2019 • November (Page 2)

Nov 12, 2019

It is so quiet in here this morning that I can hear the soft ticking of the clock in my bookcase. Some days it still feels odd not hearing colleagues in the hall, the click of keyboards in the billing office, or cheery receptionists answering calls out front. A steaming mug of coffee is at […]

There are many considerations that influence the decision to embark on a graduate education, including but not limited to values, career aspirations, family supports, timing, and finances. For students of color, this process often includes additional questions, such as, “Will there be other students who look like me or share similar backgrounds? How inclusive is […]

Diversity Award Winner Alayna Park, MA, C.Phil, is a fifth-year graduate student in the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), working under the mentorship of Dr. Bruce Chorpita. She is currently completing her pre-doctoral internship at the VA Long Beach Healthcare System. Her research focuses on improving the quality […]

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Nov 10, 2019

Many people who seek psychotherapy were either brought to the United States when they were young or born here with parents who are often trying to adapt to a new culture and language. Children of immigrants have to navigate being surrounded by peers who look and speak differently, and in many cases, their caretakers rely […]

This article is written for everyone in mental health who has a great idea and a shortage of cash. It is informed by a 20-year career with countless funding applications and almost $5M in awards. That $5M doesn’t reflect some innate grant-writing talent, rather, it reflects persistence and the efforts of great teams and some […]