Articles Tagged "children"

Collateral work with parents is a widely adopted practice among child psychotherapists. In the early days of child analysis, parents were not necessarily involved in the child’s treatment, it is now widely believed that work with parents can enhance the effectiveness of child psychotherapy treatment, enabling the changes that take place within the therapy room […]

The United States’ maternal mortality rates, in 2018, were 17.4 deaths per 100,000 births, the highest among developed countries (CDC, 2018; Tikkanen et al., 2020). Addressing these alarming rates, the CDC launched the Hear Her Campaign, which aims to save mothers’ lives by 1) raising awareness of warning signs and the potential for illness/loss of life, […]

Abstract Aim This paper presents results of a five-year project to implement measurement and feedback processes, also referred to as feedback informed treatment, within seven agencies providing school-based mental health services to K-12 students. The purpose was to monitor rates of improvement on a measure of global distress over time. Method A standardized measure of […]

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May 9, 2021

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is the most common progressive, chronic, life-threatening genetic disorder. However, it is still rare. There are around 30,000 cases diagnosed in the United States (Ernst et al., 2011; Kerem et al., 2005). There is no known cure for CF, however, it is common for patients with CF to live into their 30’s. […]

The Silence and Severity of Childhood Emotional Abuse Although treatment considerations for adults with histories of childhood physical and sexual abuse has grown over the years, psychotherapeutic treatment focusing on adults with childhood emotional abuse histories is in its nascency—at best. Emotional abuse and its impacts also tend to remain unseen, unacknowledged, and underreported by […]

If you are like anyone else who has attempted a diet, you know that dieting is best thought of as a long-term journey that frequently includes ups and downs, failures, and successes.  In many ways, the day-to-day trials of parenting are quite similar. Some days, we are really on top of doing all the right […]

Divorce is major event in the life cycle of the nuclear family. It has the potential to be traumatic and, in some circles, is even referred to as, “The death of the family.” Families torn apart, and parents (with their attorneys) as adversaries, are common to this process that is often described as a “war”.  This tends to […]